Flexible dieting, also known as macro counting or IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros), is a dietary approach that allows individuals to eat a variety of foods as long as they hit their daily macronutrient goals. This is different from traditional dieting, where individuals are given a strict meal plan and are limited to specific foods.

Flexible dieting is becoming more popular due to its flexible nature and its ability to help people achieve their desired results without feeling restricted. Benefits of Flexible Dieting Increased Adherence One of the most significant benefits of flexible dieting is increased adherence. When people are given a strict meal plan to follow, they often feel restricted and deprived, which can lead to cravings and overeating.

Flexible dieting allows individuals to choose the foods they love and enjoy, making it easier for them to stick to their diet long-term. I love it!

This increased adherence leads to better results and a healthier lifestyle change. Improved Mental Health Flexible dieting also has a positive impact on mental health. By not feeling restricted, individuals are less likely to experience guilt or shame when eating certain foods. This allows you to enjoy your meals and not stress about your diet, which can lead to a better relationship with food.

Better Understanding of Nutrition Flexible dieting helps individuals better understand nutrition. When counting macronutrients, individuals are forced to pay attention to the nutritional information of the foods they eat. This can lead to a better understanding of the impact of certain foods on your body and how you can make healthier food choices.

Better Body Composition Flexible dieting is also beneficial for those looking to improve their body composition. By focusing on hitting macronutrient goals, individuals are able to build muscle and lose fat more effectively. This is because they are able to tailor their diet to meet their specific needs rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach. Better Ability to Eat Out and Travel Flexible dieting makes it easier for individuals to eat out and travel.

Rather than being limited to specific foods, individuals can choose from a variety of options and still hit their macronutrient goals. This allows them to maintain their diet, even when they are not at home. How to Start Flexible Dieting Determine Your Macros The first step in starting flexible dieting is determining your macronutrient goals. It is essential to keep in mind that macronutrient needs can change over time, so it is important to regularly reassess your goals.

Start Tracking Your Macros Once you have determined your macronutrient goals. It is important to start tracking your food intake. There are a variety of apps and websites that can help you with this, such as MyFitnessPal or Cronometer.

By following your food intake, you can ensure you are hitting your macronutrient goals and make adjustments as needed. Focus on Whole Foods While flexible dieting allows individuals to eat a variety of foods, it is still essential to focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function correctly, even as you are hitting your macronutrient goals. It is important to find Balance when starting flexible dieting so you can enjoy a variety of the foods you enjoy!