I’m always up for a challenge. I love the idea of constantly pushing and challenging yourself to see how you compare. The US marines fitness test seemed like the ideal challenge to me. I didn’t know what is involved before I decided I wanted to do it, but to my surprise, it was only 3 exercises!

The marines are the definition of fitness, determination, courage and any other word associated with doing something so courageous and selfless, so it was something I was pumped to try out! I wanted to get the perfect score, I checked out what that was prior to doing the test so I had a goal in mind! Did I get there? Well, you’ll have to watch the video below and see but boy I felt it the next day!

The test comprised of max pull-ups without dropping off the bar- basically as many as you can do without a time limit but you cannot let go if you need to rest, you must hang onto the bar! The second exercise in the test was timed, max amount of crunches in 2 minutes- THIS HURT! Then, finally, a 3mile run, which in my language works out to be 4.88km for your best time.

Before you watch me suffer through this, let me tell you the numbers that get you a perfect score according to the US Marines fitness test results table.


23 and above pull ups gives you 100 points

115 or more crunches in 2 mins gives you 100 points and;

running 3miles/4.88km in less than 18 minutes gives you 100 points.

Naturally those numbers were my target.

So enjoy the video, and give this one a try for yourself- next up for me is the NAVY SEALS FITNESS TEST. So don’t forget to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel so you don’t miss that one!

Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and share it with someone you challenge to try it!

Until next time,
