Four surprise exercises for Abs

I’m continuing on from last week regarding Ab workouts and the best way to help train them. In this weeks post, I want to show you FOUR SURPRISE EXERCISES to help develop your abs!

I say these exercises are “surprising” because I don’t think many people either 1.Know these exercises or 2.Thought about them as an Ab workout- or both! These 4 exercises are some of my favorite for not only working my entire core but getting my heart rate up and in turn, burning calories! This is the combination you want if you are looking to reveal a shredded looking sixpack! This ab workout is a completely equipment free workout, you’ll see in the video below how I did it in my living room! That’s the best thing about Bodyweight Built workouts and the freedom they give the user. It’s the reason my body has changed so dramatically in the past 2 years since leaving the gym and weights behind. Training at home, or outdoors gives me a greater sense of motivation and I know it can do the same for you! Body weight training or calisthenics as it’s also known is perfect for people of any fitness levels, whether just beginning or experienced elite athletes, if you have tried it, I highly recommend doing so and seeing what it can do for your body, not only in how you look, but how your body feels!

So, What are these 4 surprising exercises I’m telling you, you’ve never heard of?? (I’m sure some of you have) You would have seen me incorporate some of these exercises into previous training videos or workout routines, but not necessarily directly focusing on Abs. I like to do these exercises on time rather than reps, in bursts of 45 seconds on 15 seconds off. Of course, you can mix up the times to suit your fitness levels or you can even play around with reps and sets- I’m simply telling you my preference of how I combine these exercises to get the most out of the ab sculpting, fat burning benefits!

The Ab exercises you need to start doing:

  1. Kick Sits
  2. Mountain climbers
  3. High Knees
  4. Side to Side Plank Jump-ins

Now if you’ve looked at those exercises and have never heard of them, don’t worry, or if you have, but need a refresher, well- Look below! You’ll see my video on how to perform the exercises and me putting them into action! If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments section of the video and I’ll respond. If you want help in improving your health and fitness, check out the online Bodyweight