Keeping fit while traveling and my number 1 tip on how to eat to avoid unwanted fat gains.

I love to travel. I’m lucky enough to have spent time in over 35 countries and still counting. I also love to exercise and workout. Travel and exercise don’t always go hand in hand however. Constantly on the move, checking into different hotel rooms and changing cities and countries can make it difficult to stick to your normal, at home exercise routine. I used to struggle with this fear of going on holiday and not being able to get in the exercise I was used to – because I relied on a gym. Every aspect of our normal daily routines get thrown out the window while travelling – our daily walk around the local park, cooking our meals and sleeping in our own beds for a good night’s sleep.

I’m a very active person so going on holiday to do absolutely nothing isn’t my type of holiday. I want to exercise! Body weight training provides the exact solution to this fear of losing your hard earned results from back home. It provides complete freedom to workout ANYWHERE, using absolutely no equipment. Your environment becomes your gym, whether it’s a local playground, the chair in your hotel room or even a building overhang – your workouts are set! Not only do you have everything you need to keep up your exercise, you have everything you need to speed up results and drastically improve your exercise! That’s why I created my complete body weight training program and workout plans. After I saw the results I achieved and my clients were achieving without using gyms or equipment, I knew it was a game changer. I created to help people all over the world enjoy the success and experience the freedom that body weight training provides!



Everyone loves to enjoy food, especially while travelling. We all tend to relax a bit and enjoy a change of environment, eating out regularly and not having as much control over what goes into our meals.


That doesn’t mean your diet has to go to complete rubbish. Eating whilst on the road or back at home still share the same underlying factor. What are you goals when it comes to eating? Are you eating to decrease body fat or are you eating a little more to gain some healthy weight (muscle)? No matter why you’re eating – its crucial to keep it consistent, make eating one of your priorities, especially if you are eating to gain some weight (you need to eat more), then making sure you are getting in enough good foods are all important!


I use this one myself whenever I travel and more specifically whenever I holiday. Holidays are more of a treat time that should be enjoyed. Doing this has allowed me to eat whatever I want and stay relatively lean through my holidays (sometimes for 4 weeks on end!) For me, whilst on holiday, breakfast always seems to be the least interesting meal of the day, I enjoy the chance to sleep in a little later (if Harley will allow) and take my time to start the day. So I skip it …. yeah yeah, isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day? Sure, every meal you eat should be important. You’re giving your body energy and life through food, but in terms of the point I’m making here, stick with me!

I skip breakfast and maybe a morning snack because more than likely I ate dinner later than what I would at home in my regular routine. I more than likely went to sleep later that normal life and I more than likely ate a lot more than normal (Gotta enjoy yourself right?!). I skip these earlier meals in the day to allow myself more “room” (read calories) for the meals I really want to enjoy later on in the day – big lunches and big dinners! This isn’t something new, it’s referred to as Intermediate Fasting or “IF” for short and if your aim is to stay lean and not pile on the pounds while being able to eat whatever you want, then this worked amazingly for me! I chose to use breakfast for the reasons stated above, but you can try it out at other times of the day if you choose. It’s about your lifestyle, do what works for you!